Monday, November 10, 2008

" Hereos Eventually Die, Horoscopes Often Lie...."

Yes, I know the tittle to this blog is an Outkast song called 'Aquemini' and I felt it was a great heading for the following poem. I wrote this poem my senior year of high school for my English class and little did I think I would actually feel this way in my life. After this past weekend that I just had, I feel it's time to share it because i feel exactly how the poem reads and writing to me has been my escape. Hope you enjoy it, its coming from the bottom of my heart (circa 1999/2000) but I related to it NOW!


She's the one who I worshipped, cherished, adored,

The one for whom I would die for.

She's the one who I dreamed of all those night,

Yet she's the one who made me see the light.

Her perfume was like a Spring fresh garden,

Little did I know that her heart would harden.

When I was with her I felt free as a bird and ready to fly,

Yet sooner or later she would make me cry.

I gave her my LOVE as she brought color to my dull, grey life,

Yet her gratitude would cut me like a sharp, sharp knife.

She's the one from whom I couldn't be apart,

She's the one who also broke my heart.

I can't believe I let her do this to me,

I guess her beauty is only skin deep.

My life completely revolved around her although I thought I was tough,

Now I know I loved her too much, and she loved me not enough.

Always willing to buy her fur even if I didn't have a dime,

So much of my LOVE I dedicated to her, now I know she wasn't worth my time.

I was torn because our relationship came to an end,

Now I don't want her, not even as a friend.

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